Julie US Writer
1 min readApr 26, 2022

Sorry Karen,

I was having a bad day. The day I saw the title to this post, I was looking for some encouragement from a single woman's point of view of someone who's never been married and never had kids befeore.

--->Trying too hard was never my problem:

For me, I was just not being strong enough to stay single while preparing myself for a "better life" for myself. That was my problem. All that F-ing around and dating around just for the fun of it caught up to me.

All of it was just a distraction from my pathetic life.

-->The issue with being single in my mid to late 40s:

I mean...the one thing I have to try harder to do right now is rebuild my friendship circle. I had no one to lean on when I tried to leave a bad relationship in my early 40s. So that made being single at this age a LOT harder.

It really isn't as easy as in my 20s when half my friends were single too and didn't mind hanging as "just friends" and not expecting sex.

Julie US Writer

Julie's face has changed over the years, but her mission is still the same.