Publishing Schedule for Julie US Writer Publications (Revised)
Video version of this post coming soon
Hello, I created myself a publishing schedule. This will alert you to what posts will be available where and on what date and time. I’m going to have to hold myself accountable to my readers.
Note: There sometimes may be pauses to this schedule, or I might add unscheduled posts. Bear with me. My goal still is to keep publishing as regularly as possible. See the tentative schedule as posted below.
All publication times on this schedule are in Central Standard Time in the United States. I live in Wisconsin.
Mondays at 9:00 A.M.
Julie U.S. Writer (author’s main profile page)
Personal stories, announcements, random tips and more.
Dairy of a Scapegoat (a.k.a. “You-Have-Issues”) Every First Monday
I am re-branding “You-Have-Issues” as “Diary of a Scapegoat.” It will have a similar look and feel but with more of a storytelling approach. I predict series of stories to happen here.
Be Happy Still, Every Second Monday (back to top)
Be Happy Still is based on the concept that “happiness is a journey, not a destination.”
The Real Path to Success, Every Third Monday
The Real Path to Success starts with you. First, define what success means to you.
Tuesdays at 9:00 A.M.,
For You Buzz, Every Fourth Tuesday
This pub has several sections, including tech, food, infotainment, gaming, reviews and current events.
Wednesdays at 9:00 A.M. (back to top)
Online Writing Life, Every Fourth Wednesday
The Online Writing Life provides you with the tech side of the writing life. It focuses on productivity issues affecting writers and other creators.
Wednesdays at Noon
A Life of a Writer “Writing Rules” Every Wednesday at Noon
The A Life of a Writer publication will host “Writing Rules” every Wednesday at noon CST. This pub also features “Steal My Ideas,” “Confessions” and creative episodes about the writing life.
Thursdays at 7 P.M.
To Be Continued Here, Every First Thursday
To Be Continued Here features “Rockelle’s Lie Journal.” Episode 3 will be coming soon. It provides a look into what makes people choose the kind of partners they do. Other episode short series are coming soon.
Fridays at 12 P.M. (back to top)
Outlive The World, Every First Friday
Outlive the World is an apocalypse-style blog without the Zombies. Topics include life as a digital nomad and van life. Sustainability and transportation issues are also addressed here.
Saturdays at 9 P.M.
Don’t Remind Me I’m Single, Every first Saturday (back to top)
You will find some confessions on here, based on the “Don’t Remind Me I’m Single” creator’s experiences.
Saturdays at 9 P.M.
Random posts on social media for promotional purposes (to be announced soon).
Sundays at 6 A.M.
A Life of a Writer “Confessions”
Early Sunday morning, on what historically used to be the first day of the week, seems like a good time for confessions, doesn’t it?
Sundays at 6 P.M.
The Music In Me, Every First Sunday
The one thing on Julie’s bucket list is to record some of the songs she wrote. This, and content about music appreciation and theory, will be posted at The Music In Me.